Thursday, February 5, 2015

What is Cloud Computing?

the you have big ideas

to streamline your business drive sales

through the roof but to get there

your ideas business apple’s business

outside always been shoots past

especially in times like these I’ll

behind each one is a world of complexity

they needed data center office space


cooling ban when networks servers and


complicated software stack and achieved

experts install configure and run

he development testing staging

production failover environments when

there’s a problem

good luck call technical support they

don’t know

so they blame someone else hope and when

you versions come out

would upgrade but that might bring the

whole system down now

this is for one out when you multiply

these headaches across dozens or

hundreds about

its easy to see why the biggest

companies with the best IT departments

are getting the app’s they need

small businesses don’t have a chance

cloud computing is a better way to run

your business

instead of running your apt yourself

there and I shared datasets

just plug in like utility just makes it

back to get started

cost less it’s like Gmail computer

Microsoft Exchange

the Gmail gen8 servers and storage no

do you need a technical team to keep it

up and running no yet to do upgrades

no when you use any app that runs the

cloud just log in

customize it to start using it that’s

the power

cloud computing

this model is so much better is changing

the way we think about software

not just for consumer past

some be used for business at we call

this enterprise cloud computing


businesses are running all kinds about

Santa Claus these days

including custom built laps why because

you can be up and running a few days

unheard up with traditional business of

they cost less because you don’t need a

paper on a people

products cities to run and it turns out

they’re more skillful more secure are

more reliable than the vast majority of

the apt out there

here’s why they’re based on an

architecture called multi-tenancy

with a multi-tenant out there is a copy

the app for each business using it

just wanna everyone shares but it’s

flexible enough for everyone to

customize for their specific needs

like a giant office building were

everyone shares the infrastructure and


like security each business can

customize their own office pics

this means after last the can scale up

to 10,000 users for down only a few

upgrades are taken care for you sir

Afghan security and performance


a new features automatically now

the way you came for hot abs is also

different forget about buying service


here for the McLeod you don’t buy

anything at all it’s all rolled up into

a predictable monthly subscription see

only pay for what you use

finally plath don’t eat up your valuable

IT resources

singer CFL love it and you can focus on

projects that

really impact the business like 2.0

wraps I’ll computing is a simple idea

but can have a huge impact on your

bottom line

for more information go to Salesforce

dot com slash

cloud computing

The post What is Cloud Computing? appeared first on Open Source.


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