Saturday, February 7, 2015

Titanfall: Gaming with Cloud Technology

When it comes to an online, multi-player experience, the holy grail is to have your game runningon a dedicated server. Really, we needed a new way to do that, and the Cloud was kindof that inspiration moment that kind of made us all look at things and go we can probablydo something more than before, we can do something different. The entire time you’re playing, you’re connected to servers that are running on Microsoft’sAzure Cloud. You’re running around the environments, you’re able to double-jump, you’re wall running you’relike a crazy, sci-fi ninja. All that stuff’s happening in the gamespace, and it’s all happeningon these servers. It’s a lot bigger and more immersive than other multi-player games are. Titanfall wouldn’t be what it is today had it not been for the power of the Cloud. WhenI look at the future of everything, I feel like games are gonna change. They can becomemore about connecting us as players; they can bring us together, and we can make a connection together

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