Friday, February 6, 2015

HP Offers ‘That Cloud Thing Everyone Is Talking About’

Scott McKay: Hewlett Packard is known for their basic, affordable, no frillscomputers but that doesn’t mean they can’t keep up with the latest technology. In a press release yesterday HP said “We are excited to begin offering that cloudthing that everyone is talking about. We definitely have the cloud on ourcomputers and it is better than anyone else’s cloud. “Earlier today I sat down with HP’s spokesman Gary Klinman who said thecompany couldn’t wait to show people “How they do their cloud stuff. “Gary Klinman: We are absolutely thrilled that now people with computers or phones,both, will now be able to back things up to the cloud and that’s definitelysomething that people do and they will be doing it with HP. Scott McKay: HP is making their cloud technology the centerpiece of a major newprint and television ad campaign. Male Speaker: HP is the company I’vealways relied on so when I decided to get on my computer on the cloud which is howyou do it naturally HP was the company I chose. HP’s cloud is the perfect tool foremails, Facebook, texting, and CD ROMs. How does the cloud work?It’s so simple and intuitive I don’t need to waste your time explaining it. Scott McKay: Klinman says it isn’t surprising they’re “up on the cloud”considering they’re on the cutting edge of all the latest tech trends. Now are there any additional features? Gary Klinman: Cloud sourcing is somethingwe are having. Cloud sourcing 2. 0 – we have socialsharing, we have 4G, 5G, 6G, really all the Gs. We have app, we have all of it in the computer. Scott McKay: Despite all of their widearray of technology HP says they’re most excited about the cloud. They even let me take a peek at their design laboratory where HP engineers weretrying out some unique development techniques. So how much capacity will HP’s cloudusers have access to? Male Speaker: One thousand. Scott McKay: We’ll be watching to see if HP’s cloud push pays off. Make sure to catch he next Tech Trends when we’ll be looking at Body Dew,the popular new device that links with your iPhone to post all of your bodilyfunctions right to Facebook.

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